Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 2017 PBOT Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting agenda

BAC meetings are held second Tuesday of every month from 6-8 pm in the Lovejoy Room of City Hall (2nd Floor). More details on the BP Calendar listing.


Smart Autonomous Vehicle Initiative (SAVI)
Autonomous vehicles are coming faster than many people are aware. Ann Shikany and Peter Hurley from PBOT will present PBOT’s and the City’s efforts to “do AV smart by working with transportation providers and the public to implement testing and piloting of this technology, while advancing public safety, protection of the environment and transportation access for everyone, regardless of income.”

Transportation System Plan Stage 3: Mode Split Targets
Portland Bureau of Transportation is proposing amendments to the Commute Trips Mode Share targets in the TSP. The proposed change will reduce the Commute target for bikes. The TSP will support the 25% vision from the Portland Bicycle Plan for the All Trips mode share. Peter Hurley and Judith Gray from PBOT Planning will discuss the analysis used to develop this proposal. A TSP Stage 3 Discussion Draft has been available since May; public comment officially ended on July 21. However, because this is the first opportunity to present this to the BAC, PBOT is extending the public comment period for the BAC to Aug 11.

Legislative Changes affecting Transportation in Portland
Four bills passed by the Oregon Legislature this year will have profound effect on Portland. House Bills 2017 (Funding), 2409 (Speeding enforcement), 2682 (Local speed limits) and 2597 (Distracted driving) all have significant upsides for transportation funding and safety operations in Portland. PBOT staff will describe the impact these new laws will have for Portland and Oregon.

Committee Business


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