Friday, August 11, 2017

Lincoln Diverters, Bumps at Richmond NA on Mon. Aug 14

PBOT has plans for 2 new diverters (at 26th and at 50th) and 30(!) new speed bumps on Ladd, Harrison and Lincoln, 12th to 60th. Sheila Parrott will give a presentation and ask for a letter of support at the Richmond Neighborhood Association meeting on Mon., Aug. 14, at 7 PM, at Waverly Church, 3300 SE Woodward.

Parrot has been to the Mt. Tabor and HAND associations, with no support letters so far, AFAIK. Harrison and Lincoln have seen increased cut-through traffic since the Clinton diverters were added. At the Mt. Tabor association, some board members were opposed to the 50th diverter, since it would mean less traffic on Lincoln, but more going down 50th. Some cyclists would rather see more diverters and less speed bumps. Staff have argued that the $20,000 cost of diverters is an important factor, compared to $2000 speed bumps.

Let the city, and the RNA, know your thoughts on this, Monday night at 7:00! City plans seem to include asking for neighborhood support, before holding an advertised city-sponsored open house.

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