Friday, April 28, 2017

Color, pattern and textural inspiration from The Fairchild Gardens, Miami

Fairchild-2I was in Miami for all of 36 hours and had a chance to visit the Fairchild Gardens. Whenever I visit a new city I try and make a stop at their botanical gardens if I can. The highlights of the Fairchild for me were the Butterfly exhibit and seeing so many tropical varieties I’d never seen before. Here are some of my favorite moments.


I’d never seen this Calathea with the grid pattern before…isn’t it gorgeous??Fairchild-7 Fairchild-8 Fairchild-9 Fairchild-10

Also this was the first time I’d ever seen a Rainbow Eucalyptus tree in person. Just breathtaking!!Fairchild-11 Fairchild-12 Fairchild-13Fairchild-15

Wishing you all a very jungalicious weekend!!
xoxo ~J

from The Jungalow

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