Thursday, July 27, 2017

ODOT STIP process begins – Learn more here

Press release below from ODOT:

Ready, set, go! The 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program cycle begins

Ready or not, the process for distributing money to transportation projects in the 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program begins now. Because projects in the STIP are funded with taxpayer dollars, we are making every effort to get input from Oregonians about how we spend these funds.

To accomplish this, we created a website to share information. Check it out at

On the website you can:

Take a survey to provide input on funding priorities.
— Sign up for our STIP email list to get regular updates.
— Watch a new video to learn STIP fundamentals.
— Keep current by viewing videos and materials from the Oregon Transportation Commission meetings and read monthly STIP updates.

We want your feedback on how to spend the money so we are providing opportunities to weigh in at key points in the process. Get involved early in the STIP process and stay involved to make a difference in the future of our transportation system!

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