Friday, January 6, 2017

The top trend for 2017 is…


Trend predictions for 2017 are in, folks, and guess what? Apparently there’s this cool new style called “Jungalow” that’s totally hot right now!! It involves lots of color, pattern, tropical motifs and plants! Don’t you love it?? ;)

It’s been pretty crazy hearing so many publications from across the globe (Austrialia, UK, US, more US) site “Jungalow” as the big trend for 2017. (The new Pantone color of the year “Greenery” is helping too, I’m sure). It’s kind of this odd mix of crazy flattering and slightly disconcerting to have my personal style/vibe be considered “trendy” since I never really think of myself as trend driven — my style has kinda been like this forever. But, hey, I’ll take it. :D

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

So let’s look at some super dooper trendy jungalicious spaces and pieces out now, huh?  First, pictured above, my BFF Dabito’s new bedroom design — ugh how good is his color palette (click the link to see his whole before and after)?!? The room is featuring our wallpaper (Aja, Khaki) and I just love how he mixes in those brights so effortlessly. Such a G.

And below I found myself on the World Market site again. So many good, jungalicious pieces. I’m thinking that screen as a headboard layered in front of some jungalicious wallpaper would be really hot, huh? Also really loving the mirrors.


Actually I kind of want all of it.


Folding Screen | Mirrors | Folding Pida Chair | Spice Rack | “S” Chair | Macrame Runner | Jungle lamp shade | Baskets | Stool | Macrame Basket

Happy weekending, y’all.




from The Jungalow

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