Tuesday, December 20, 2016

State survey on Transportation

The Oregon Speaker of the House is asking you to fill out a survey on Transportation.

1) Fill out this survey
2) Share the Link with friends
3) Share some of your answers with BikePortland

Here is the survey to take or share:

My ideas to fix transit in Portland and everywhere in Oregon

— Get cars out of lanes used by Bus and MAX and Streetcars
— Enforce existing rules on speed and cell use, deeply investigate all crashes with a serious death or injury and pull data records.
— Reduce speed limits like Seattle has done. We must fund safety before we fund projects to widen roads and increase death rates.
— Stop repeat offenders
— Get cars off greenways. We need a network of streets like Sunday Parkways every day of the year.
— High Speed trail and complete the Salmonberry trail
— New leadership at ODOT focused on VisionZero , if the FAA can design our system for zero deaths we can do the same with roads
— Add 20 cents to the gas tax
— Give all 99 of Portland’s Neighborood associations a budget to fix the most deadly spots in their area.
— Replace all 7 members of the broken House Transportation committee appointed by Kotek. None of the members live in a city. ( see image)
— Take money away from ODOT and give to local transit managers
See how California does it –> https://youtu.be/Pk1rW5S-S5A?t=34m15s
— Get city roads out of ODOT control, make them safer under city control, No mash up of ODOT/PBOT/Mult County

Here’s the survey source: http://ift.tt/2h8au1A

Thanks for reading. Please get the survey to friends and share the URL of the survey or the URL of this bikePortland page…

The post State survey on Transportation appeared first on BikePortland.org.

from BikePortland.org http://ift.tt/2hnn3T2

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