Friday, August 26, 2016

Hit-and-run in Sellwood (this week)

Note: This is part of our Collision Chronicles project. Learn more here.

Received 8/26/16:


Just want to let you and the readers know that my friend [name redacted] was involved in a hit and run while he was riding in Sellwood this week.

Luckily? he had a witness that was able to get the license plate number and waited for the police to turn up (one hour later). However, the officer on the scene did not believe my friend or the witness. According to both my friend and the witness the car swerved into him contacting his handlebar and causing him to crash, then sped off. Another crash and lame-ass response from the police.

The officer basically said it was my friends word against the driver (the officer apparently is a prosecutor as well) thus ignoring the witness. The officer asked my friend “what do you want to do” (dismissively) he responded “how about charging the driver” he said he would be in touch. My friend is not holding his breath. Luckily, my friend was not seriously injured.

[name redacted]

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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