Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Could PMS be Good for Business?

When I was in my 20’s, drastic haircuts, breakups, and spontaneous arguments often occurred during those few days before my period. Since giving birth, my periods and my PMS symptoms have seemed to have gotten worse. The week before my period I can be a bit of a beast. The thing is, with my mostly ‘people-pleasing’ personality and my tendencies to bottle up frustrations and grievances, I’ve noticed lately that having one week per month where I make drastic decisions, uncork those bottled-up emotions and am, well, beastly is actually good for my business.

While PMS’ing I pounced on a lease opportunity and within 24 hours had the keys our new work space. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been so quick to do so had I not been PMSing, but I would have lost the space. The same emotions that used to cause drastic haircuts in my 20’s now cause drastic lease decisions. When I’m PMSing, and everything and everyone is annoying, I find I charge more for my work, demand what I actually want and need and worry less about the reaction from whoever is on the receiving-end of those asks.  If I was like that all of time, I may not be all that pleasant to work with–but being like that one week per month? It’s kinda perfect.

I’ve noticed these patterns in myself so much so that I’ve even started scheduling around my PMS. I try to schedule tough negotiations and big decision-making meetings around that time of month. Could PMS be one of the many super powers of female entrepreneurs?  Am I crazy? What are your thoughts?

Dress by Ace & Jig, Earrings by We Dream in Colour

from Jungalow

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