Monday, June 26, 2017

Do-It-Yourselfers Trending Toward Darker Interior Paint Colors

PQI’s latest consumer research reveals that today’s do-it-yourselfers are clearly favoring darker interior paint colors over neutrals and lighter tints. And, the trend toward darker colors is being seen in every part of the home.

In an online survey of 540 do-it-yourself painters (homeowners and renters), respondents indicated that bedrooms and living rooms were the areas most frequently repainted during the past year. When painting these rooms, more than twice as many respondents painted them in a darker shade than the previous paint color versus those who brightened up the room with a lighter hue.

The use of dark colors in bedrooms, in particular, isn’t surprising. Designers and even sleep experts both say darker shades in the sleeping quarters make for more restful surroundings. And most agree that dark walls and trim can make a living room or den feel cozier.

What is surprising, however, is that darker paint colors are also being used much more frequently than lighter colors in kitchens and even bathrooms, areas where “light and bright” has been the traditional approach. For every three do-it-yourselfers who repainted those rooms in a color lighter than the previous color, four chose to go with a darker shade.

The trend held true in foyers and hallways, too. There, darker paint colors were again favored by do-it-yourselfers. For every two who used a lighter color when repainting, nearly three applied one that was darker.

Keep in mind that “darker”, as used in the survey, is a relative term. Respondents were asked whether their new paint color was darker or lighter than the previous one, not whether it was, objectively, a truly dark shade.

Still, the conclusion remains: Today’s do-it-yourselfers are no longer sticking with “do no harm” neutrals and lighter tints when painting their surroundings. They’re stepping out and adding darker color than in the past.

from Paint Quality Institute Blog

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