Monday, February 11, 2019

Yesterday’s Rose Bowl Flea

I braved the Rosebowl flea market yesterday, despite the ominous clouds threatening rain. It was, indeed, a slow day at the market. Only about half the vendors were there and people kept looking up and wrapping or covering more precious pieces as the sky grew more and more grey — but none-the-less I managed to find a few cool things and snap a few shots to share here today.

I loves these oversized baskets that the vendor told me were used 100 years ago to cultivate crops in rural China. I think they would make an incredible centerpiece filled with fruit and melon for a huge dining table. I also thing they would make a lovely statement as a gigantic hanging basket in a kitchen. My kitchen is too tiny for something like this, but otherwise I would have snatched this up, and done something like this with it.

I fell IN LOVE with this print, but I couldn’t bring myself to spend the $250 for it. But something about the chunkiness of the lines, those pretty pretty palm trees and the colors really got me. I think I may be regretting *not* having purchased it, but I get really frugal at flea markets.

This hutch stole my heart. I love hutches. This one had such pretty wood, and gosh that faceted copper hardware is really, really pretty. This one was going for $650. Ouch. I have no where to put it so leaving it there stung a little bit less, but still…

This was a cute little dresser. Pretty scuffed up, but I really loved the corner details on each drawer and the base of it. Cute proportions. This was was only $85, and I’m filing that corner detail idea away for future projects.

These pots. So good. So pricey.

This chandelier was $1200 — so certainly not cheap — but gosh, so cool huh?

This Senufo stool came home with me. Don’t ask me how I got it to my car — it’s SO HEAVY. But I’ve been lusting after it for many, moons and I’m going to give it a good new home in my garage once the overhaul is done. This is the first piece of furniture I’ve purchased for that space. I CAN’T WAIT to make that new space all kinds of pretty. I paid $250 for the stool, which ain’t cheap, but it’s significantly less than they typically cost in stores–especially for one of this size. It’s carved out of a single block of wood, and it makes me very, very happy. You can read more about Senufo people here.

Hope you have a lovely week Jungalistas!

from Jungalow

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