Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Plant Places: Folia Collective

We’ve got a new column for all you plant lovers out there: Plant Places! Every month, we’re bringing you one of our favorite plant places from around the world. For our inaugural Plant Places, we knew we had to something special! Many of you know our boo and fellow Jungalista, Danae Horst, from the good ol’ days when she was our Editorial Director. Danae still graces the pages of Jungalow via our Plant-O-Pedia series. But did you know that she is the founder and plant queen behind Folia Collective, the brick and mortar and online shop where you can find the best plants and plantie things, like chic watering cans, brass misters, bonsai sheers, and planters galore?!

Well if you don’t know, now you know, homie! If you’re in the LA area, you HAVE to check out Folia Collective’s stunning store, located in the Burlington Arcade in Pasadena. Folia offers plant design services, so if you’re looking to bring some life into your home, office, or event space, Danae is your girl! If you’re not in LA, don’t fret! You can still shop all the Folia Collective goodies online.

We caught up with Danae and asked her to share some of her plant wisdom with us!

What is your favorite plant that requires little care?
I’m a big Sansevieria fan- the variety of shapes and even colors from species to species is so amazing and most of them are super weird looking- the weirdos are my favorite. They are remarkably tolerant of neglect if they have to be- I once had a client tell me she hadn’t watered a large one she had stuck out in her yard, in over a year- it had been living off of light and just a few weeks of rain for a year! I wouldn’t advise this, of course, but they are very hardy and so beautiful.

Do you talk to your plants?
Yes! Probably not as much as I should, but whenever I’m watering, I try and have a few words with them.

Do you name your plants? If so, can you share one of their names with us?
I’ve never really gotten into doing that, but my husband did name our huge Staghorn Fern- we call it Staggy. Ha ha!

How do you water hanging plants?
I have a ton of hanging plants and most of them live in the plastic nursery pots since I’m generally pretty unhappy with the hanging planters available for bigger plants. My method is to take them all to the shower, where I use a handheld shower sprayer (which I purchased pretty much just for the plants) to water them, then let them drip dry from the shower curtain rod and an Ikea garment rack with a towel under it. After a few hours, once they’ve dried, I put them back in their spots. The plants I have in macrame hangers, I just water in the hanger, as long as it’s made of cotton, since it can be almost impossible to get the vine-y plants out of macrame once you’ve got them in there!

How many plants have you killed this year?
Well the year is still young, but I definitely have a few that are on the mend after some near death experiences last year, and I noticed a little Euphorbia in my kitchen windowsill the other day who is probably not going to pull through. For better or worse, killing plants is part of learning to be a better plant parent- mistakes help us grow and develop new knowledge and skills. I also always find it so rewarding to save a plant that I thought was dead- plants are amazingly resilient and can teach us a lot about developing that in ourselves.

If you were a plant, what plant would you be and why?
A: I’m always so bad with questions like this! Maybe a Philodendron bipinnatifidum- because in the right setting they can really make their presence known but can also almost disappear into a crowd of other plants, plus they’re pretty resilient, and a funny mix of awkward and elegant (though the awkward is mostly what I resonate with).

Want more plantastic realness? Check out Folia Collective on Instagram and online at their website.

Are you a plant shop owner who would like to be featured on Plant Places? Send us an email at with your website, Instagram, and a little bit about yourself and your store.

from Jungalow

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