Friday, April 20, 2018

Plant Places: Wyldbnch

We’ve got a wild one for you, this time, jungalistas! Wyldbnch is one of our favorite new plant places. Pop Annemarie, the boss lady behind Wyldbnch, shared with us that the name of her business comes from her love of curating a colorful funky plant selection. Pop Annemarie’s love of color is also reflected in her continuously evolving space. She plays around with bold backdrops and switches up the vibe in her space, which is located in the Container Yard in the heart of the Arts District of Los Angeles. Pop Annemarie made sure that her plant space was located near the Container Yard’s multiple skylights and accordion doors so that her plant babies would get ample light!

We caught up with Pop Annemarie to see what colorful facts we could learn about her!

Do you talk to your plants?
All the time!

How many plants have you killed this year?
That’s a good question . . . I’ve erased those situations from my memory, ha! To be honest I’ve probably killed enough to count on two hands. Not sure if my plants with shorter lifespans counts (e.g. Calathea) as my responsibility? But then again as beautiful as they are, they are my fussier plants.

Do you play music for your plants? If so, what’s their favorite song?
That I do! When I water and clean all 60ish plants at Wyldbnch, my plants and I enjoy listening to the Bossanova station on iTunes.

Who takes care of your plants when you are out of town?
I usually like to make sure that right before I leave I maintain all of them so if we are gone for two weeks, by the time I get back, it’s time to give them some TLC again. You can kinda consider me a little over protective with my plant babies.

If you were a plant, what plant would you be and why?
If I were a plant I’d want to be an aspidistra or an anthurium or even a golden ginger alpinia. All three have the characteristics of a flamingo and a giraffe which are two of my favorite animals. They’re long and leggy and delicate in stature but are very sturdy and strong like a bull!


If you’re in the LA area, you can check out the Wylbnch space in person. They will be hosting cutting swaps, classes on plant care, soils, and plant styling! If you live outside of LA, you can still follow Pop Annemarie’s colorful plant space on Insta @wyldbnchplants.

Photography by Maricel Sison and shared with permission.

from Jungalow

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