Friday, March 9, 2018

This Just In: Tammy Kanat

Fiber art is having a real moment right now, which we love, but it also makes it hard to stand out as a fiber artist – unless you’re Tammy Kanat! Tammy’s incredible tapestries evoke images of a portal to a soft, jungalicious, textured world! Her use of color, copper, wool, silk, linen, and mohair in her imperfect signature circular looms are unlike any other woven wall art we’ve seen.

Tammy is a Melbourne-based artist who started out designing jewelry. After 12 years in the jewelry industry, she began her weaving journey in 2011 after searching (unsuccessfully) for a piece of art for her home. When she couldn’t find what she was looking for, she decided to make it herself. You know we are about that DIY life! She fell in love with the process of weaving and decided to enroll in the Australian Tapestry Workshop and has been creating show stoppers ever since!

Tammy draws inspiration from nature, music and interiors. She describes her process as an intuitive one. She starts every piece without a plan and works with a sense of freedom because she really enjoys the journey of creation – not just the final outcome.

If you’d like to see more of Tammy’s work, check out her website or follow her on Instagram.

from Jungalow

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