Thursday, November 29, 2018

Some rocks for my rocks

This post was sponsored by Lightbox Jewelry

My first day at UCLA I was completely lost. The campus was HUGE. This was pre smart-phone days. I was armed only with a paper map, and a fearless attitude towards asking for directions. I was running late for my very first class, and slightly panicking. I looked up from my map from the second floor in what felt like an endless hallway to find a beautiful student in front of me. She was wearing denim overalls and a ‘newsboy’ cap. She was very petite, and had this gorgeous, curly hair that almost went down to her butt. She was also a new student on the hunt for the same class I was searching for. We ended up hanging out on the lawn in front of that building, comparing schedules, maps and chatting while we missed our first ever class at UCLA. Hanging with her, with her super chill disposition, made me feel totally OK about missing that class.

That was Sole, who now, twenty years later is one of my best homies (she’s the one in the pic with me in the top left, we were 19). And still, twenty years later, she knows how to make me feel OK about things whenever I feel stressed.  And there is a whole crew of us now. A group of girlfriends that formed when we were in college and has remained in tact for years and years. We’ve travelled the world together, partied hard together in our twenties, worked our butts off getting our careers off the ground in our thirties, and have had each others’ backs through good times and bad–celebrated each other’s weddings and baby showers–held each others hands through breakups and bad days. And this year, most of us are turning forty. A pretty serious milestone for us personally, but also as a group because this year is also kind of our 20 year friend-iversary. All of this combined with holidays means that I want to gift my girls something very special–almost heirloom-y this year. Even though it’s hard for us to all get together these days as we’re kinda spread out around the country and we all have careers and kids etc. etc. etc. but we do make an effort to all see each other during the holidays.

Since I’m working with Lightbox Jewelry — a company that makes lab-grown diamonds that share the same physical, optical and chemical properties as natural diamonds but are made in a lab, I thought that this would be the perfect time to level up and go in on really amazing rocks for the women who have been my ‘rocks’ for more than twenty years.  While I’ve always believed that other girls (not diamonds!!) are a girl’s best friend–giving my girls some serious sparkles for our 20 year anniversary / 40th birthdays / holiday gifts feels oh so fancy and oh so right. I love that I can get solitaire studs too — maybe I’ll get one for them this year and on our 40-year friend-iversary I can get them one for the other ear hehe. ;). The pink ones feel especially perfect.

What are you getting for the meaningful women in your life this year?

This post was sponsored by Lightbox Jewelry All opinions are my own. 

from Jungalow

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