Friday, February 3, 2017

Thank You, Thank You


Last week, in a moment of inspiration after the Women’s March, I decided to sell a print of one of my paintings and donate the proceeds to a good cause. I have never really sold my artwork before and I never (EVER!) could have imagined that together, we’d raise $15,000 for the Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles! You guys!!! That’s 14 months of housing and supportive services, or a 12-week job readiness program for 57 women, or 7500 nutritious lunches for women in need in Los Angeles. Thank you Thank You Thank You! I am so moved and motivated and fired up to keep on making, marching, painting and printing!


Moving forward, 20% of all profits from ‘In Chorus’ will continue to go to causes we believe in – for now it will be the ACLU.

Also, we were inundated with emails asking for international shipping, ‘In Chorus’ in larger sizes, and prints of some of my other works. Now, I am feeling the confidence boost (and logistical coordination) I needed to make that all happen!  So, we’ve also added three new limited edition prints to our ‘pop-up’ print shop, and are offering all four prints in two sizes. And yes, we are now also offering international shipping!

Our full print shop will launch in the coming months, but until then, head on over to our ‘pop-up’ print shop and check out the four prints you can order now. Have a great weekend friends — and thanks for all of your support now and always. xx ~J

from The Jungalow

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