Thursday, February 23, 2017

Spring is here at The Jungalow HQ





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If you chimed in on yesterday’s post about rainbow vs. black and white, I think this post will reveal to you where my heart truly lies. We’ve made a few updates to our Jungalow HQ studio space over the past week and it’s starting to feel like springtime up in here!! Longing for a bit of green (I know, how unusual) I hung up this vintage painted canvas that I found at a thrift shop many years ago. I layered my Ayo Sun mirror on top of it and BAM all the sudden, the room started to feel super bright and happy. Enter in our new rug and pillows from our Spring collection with Loloi and wowy zowy. The whole room became instantly garden-fresh and jungalicious… and the equipale chairs that were handed down to us are helping to bring this indoor-outdoor look home. The whole combo is making me very happy!

Our studio space is only about 700 Square ft. and now that there are four or five of us here working on most days it’s starting to get a little crowded. We are keeping an eye open for a larger space which is very exciting (and also a little scary to take the plunge to paying even more rent for a studio space — L.A. rental prices are no joke!!) but it’s also thrilling to start to think about what a new Jungalow HQ could be like/look like and function like. Stay tuned and in the meantime I’m gonna enjoy how happy this new setup is making me!

Shop the look here:

from The Jungalow

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